mardi 15 mars 2011

Run a Website or Blog? You Can Help Japan With One Code Snippet

This article published on displays a clever initiative that may impulse millions of bloggers and web site owners to find real-time ways to get involved and help the Japanese people after the tragic 8.9 earthquake that has recently hit the country, not to mention the tsunami and nuclear concerns which have followed.

Simply by using Hellobar , as an invited user (that's to say for free), you will be able to set up within a few seconds a floating bar with a short message linking your website or your blog to the charity of your choice.

I have personally chosen to support the Japanese Red Cross, therefore each of you is invited to use the above floating bar and visit the Japanese Red Cross website, and to donate.

The success of your Hellobar is then recorded and data can be accessed via your HelloBar account. Of course, the initiative also helps Hellobar demonstrating potential users how easy, customizable and convenient it is to adopt!

Nevertheless, we may conclude that it also gives credit to the impact of social media today. After the Social Media revolutions of Tunisia, Egypt, and Lybia where video contents used by international News TV Channels constituted of a panel of shared content (Youtube videos, personal videos, as opposed to professional Live coverage), the catastrophes of Japan (not to forget that of New Zealand...) have been socially shared with even greater impact! So that it was measured that there were 1200 tweets per minute from Tokyo alone on the first day of the earthquake!

That gives you an idea...

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